Note. This operation is performed to charge the system with vaporized refrigerant through the low pressure circuit. When the refrigerant tank is in a vertical position, the latter is supplied to the system in the form of steam.
1. Set the valve of the refrigerant tank to the position indicated in the section above «Actions with the system charging valve».
2. Open the low pressure circuit valve and adjust its position so that the pressure on the low pressure gauge does not exceed 412 kPa.
3. To make the vapor pressure in the refrigerant container slightly higher than the system pressure, place the container in a container of warm water (with a temperature of about 40°C).
4. Start the engine at fast idle and turn on the air conditioner.
Note. Keep the refrigerant container upright to prevent liquefied refrigerant from entering the system through the suction line, which could damage the compressor.
5. Charge the system with the required amount of refrigerant, then close the low pressure valve. The amount of refrigerant to be charged: 500±25g.
6. At a reduced refrigerant charging rate, immerse the refrigerant container in warm water (with a temperature of about 40°C).